A Fall MorningA cool fall morning greeted my daily routine. A crisp chill brought my attention to the fact it rained over night.May 14, 20233May 14, 20233
Somewhere BetweenSomewhere between yesterday and tomorrow exists a space like no other.May 14, 2023May 14, 2023
HoverIn a place that hovers above the stars, they sit drifting as if at sea. Star dust trails their hand crafted vessel. A journey or quest on…May 14, 2023May 14, 2023
Random Writing SessionThoughts as boundless as visions. Proportional in nature and forced in factories. Rather than hunt, a rathMay 14, 20231May 14, 20231
As I SitI usually allow the media or medium to do the heavy lifting. This provides a built in means of evaluating, consuming, or whatever it is…Apr 26, 2023Apr 26, 2023
Blank Pagesthe empty lines on a page can seem overwhelming when deadlines or due dates hang over head.Apr 26, 2023Apr 26, 2023
A City’s DissonanceThere’s comfort within the dissonance of a city’s hip hop beat. Unique as its streets, the time and rhyme lend lecture to the peeps, both…Apr 26, 2023Apr 26, 2023
Life at the Robot FactoryTo an unknown dimension a UAV ascends into the atmosphere. The Unmanned Flight Team just seen its last build get sent off on missions…Apr 12, 2023Apr 12, 2023
I have a sinking suspicion that our thoughts converge as our eyes begin to meet.Apr 12, 2023Apr 12, 2023